I appreciate that someone actually looked at my claim. But, Snowball does not actually own the land. She only HAD a plot on it. Now If you look at post number 5 I put the evidence to show that she gave her plot up! If you walk around this 125x40 area of cosmcreepers, The little 10x11 dirt square pictured below is the only place that she has permission for. Also, if you think about it, If this person EVER comes back, which is highly unlikely because she hasn't been on for 7 MONTHS, why would she want to build in a town who's owner is permanently banned? Please I urge you to visit the site( /warp cleveland). 5800 square blocks are going to waste over 110 blocks.I guarantee she wont miss it, and all the $2000 and plot i discussed in my last post will still apply. (she has $0 so $2000 would help her)